It has been a couple of days, so I thought I would do a little update. I don't have any pictures of this weekend and we know that is all that anyone wants(LOL, Joking!).
Well it started off with us being a little bummed since KU lost their game, better luck hopefully next year! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. Also I had mentioned that our friend had to go to the Hospital. He spent a couple of days in the ICU and was released yesterday. He is home now and starting tomorrow, he is going to AA meetings. I'm so happy for him to finally be taking the right steps to improve his life. I pray that he will keep with it! He very nicely apologized for Friday night and surprisingly made amends with us. I wasn't sure how he would feel after that night, but thankfully he doesn't hold any resentment towards us, though I would perfectly understand if he did.
Other than that, we spent most of the weekend just lazing around the house and doing a few errands. It was a nice relaxing weekend. Bubbie has become quite the little character these days. It is so entertaining to see what he comes up with from day to day. Just recently he has started bringing me his yogurt cup to me in bed in the morning to open for him. Its so funny because he will have his spoon ready and all! This morning Boo was crying because she was awake and hungry, so Bubbie took her a slice of bread to appease her, too cute! Bubbie's speech is really coming along now too, he still is a bit hard to understand at times, but its an improvement none the less. His favorite thing to do is say his name over and over. He will actually sing his name and if he sees a picture of himself he will ask if that is himself. Oh and I forgot to mention on Saturday night, I was putting Boo to bed and Bubbie came in her room. I told him to say goodnight to Boo and he said "Ni, night" and then blew kisses to her. It was the cutest sight I ever saw! Thats my Bubbie!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Snow in March
View of my front door
Look at all the icicles!
Can't even see the street from the yards
Just to see how high the snow is, there is supposed to be a ledge between the neighbor's yard and ours, its snow covered
View of the ground from the Carport
Pumpkin playing with the Bunny Ears
Yes, we are that bored, that we decided to put the Bunny Ears on Pumpkin
I don't think he much appreciated it
We are snowed in, literally. Our car is stuck in the carport, so I don't think we will be going anywhere for a while. We figured that since we are all stuck in the house, we would pick on the cat a little. It was a lot of fun for us and I think Pumpkin had fun too, attacking the Bunny Ears. Only in Kansas, can it be 70, almost 80, one day and below freezing the next! I guess it is what we are due, considering the mild Winter we had. Nothing like snow in Spring(can you just hear the sarcasm in my voice?)! They say that by next Friday, its supposed to be back up to 65, ugh! I wish it would just get warm and stay warm already. Enough with the yoyoing around!
On a different subject, last night we watched the KU Jayhawks play in the Sweet Sixteen. Total let down, they were playing so well until, as usual, they choked in the end! Better luck next year, guys! We also had to call an Ambulance for our friend that is going through some tough times. It was not an easy call to make, but we were really concerned for him and felt it was the best decision for him. All we can do now is pray that he will try to improve his life from here. Pray for our friend, please? He has been dealt some bad cards in life, but it is time for him to take responsibility for his life. If he wants it, we will be here for support.
Weekly Baking Project, Cake
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spring Flowers in Bloom
Aren't they adorable!
After a rough start to the week of Daddy, Bubbie and Mommy getting a case of food poisoning, it seems we are all back onto a road of recovery. One good thing that happened yesterday was that my new Nephew was born at 3:50pm. We went to the hospital to visit him and he was a little cutie. Looks a lot like his two older siblings! He sure was tiny though! I have forgot how small newborns can be.
Bubbie cracks me up lately, every time he sees an animal on TV or while we are out he has to call their name out. All day I hear him say, Ducky, Doggy, Kitty and Fishy. Though Ducky and Doggy sound quite similar. He also likes to say Daddy a lot. The poor kid this morning when he woke up, he came running into the living room yelling "Daddy!" Only to realize that Daddy wasn't there, he was at work. All day I've heard him calling "Daddy." What about Ma? I'm here, don't I matter too?
On a different note, I finally finished my book "Sugar Plum Ballerinas," by Whoopi Goldberg. I thougroughly enjoyed it. Its about a young girl that is forced into doing ballet by her Mother and she really wants to be a speed ice skater. If one likes fun hearted, easy reads, I definitely reccommend this book! Its really cute!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Weekly Baking Project, Brownies
Bubbie baking with Daddy
Cutting the brownies
Attempting to serve the brownies
Bubbie and Daddy did the baking project this week because I wasn't feeling well this evening. I don't know if I ate something bad or what, but I felt queasy and my stomach was upset. Thankfully Daddy and Bubbie had fun. They made a good baking mess, including Daddy's shirt, which he managed to spill the brownie mix on while trying to open the bag. What fun is baking if you can't make a mess anyway, thats all part of the fun!
Baby Photos

I thought I would share some photos. This is part of Boo's monthly photos, these are her 10 mths. We decided while we were at it, to include Bubbie too. He is now almost 30mths(technically only 29mths), almost 2 and half years old. To save some money we had their Granddad take pictures and met up with him at Eastborough Park. We took a couple of things to help with taking photos, such as the Adirondak chairs and our wagon. Didn't they turn out so cute? I'm really pleased with them, thank you to Granddad!
Also this weekend, we repainted the bathroom, for what is now the third time since we have moved in. The last two colors I picked looked great on the samples, but just awful on the walls. I'm finally happy with the color now, so hopefully there will be no more painting the bathroom. Once we get the tape and everything cleaned up from painting, I'll post a picture! We also went to Lowes again and I finally settled on the flooring and counter tops that I want, so that we could figure out the cost to do the Kitchen and the bathroom floor. I can't wait until we can get that done, though I'm pushing to have floors in before Boo's birthday. Its been another busy weekend and there are only more to come.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sweet Dreams
I snuck into Boo's room to find her sleeping in the cutest position, so of course I had to sneek a couple of photos. Absolutely adorable! She looks so cute, you just want to hold her!
I'm usually not one for reading much, but ever since I heard Whoopi talking about her book on The View, I've wanted to read it. So tonight we were at Target looking for a Birthday gift for my Niece and I came across the book. I decided to buy it and commit to reading it. When I got home, I sat down and read the first chapter. So far, it is very good. I can't wait to read some more!! It is very well written and has very visual descriptions. I'm a huge fan of Whoopi Goldberg, so I'm excited to finally have her book. When I finish it, I will update more on my over all opinion.
Free Dog to a Good Home
This is what my black and white dog did to my brand new rug that we just bought last Sunday for our dining room, tonight. This was the absolute last straw, I've had it with her! I've had more patience with this dog than I ever would with any other animal that I've owned. After all, I just love throwing $98 in the trash! To say that I was livid does not even come close to describing how mad I am.
I'm giving this dog away(the black and white dog) to the first person that wants her, for FREE! I want her out of my house and I want her out NOW! Her name is Jill and she needs more attention than we can give. What she needs is someone that doesn't have a job or kids. Though she is good with kids, but she requires a lot of time. I can't wait to tell her Good Riddance!!
Rough Morning
Is there anything worse than being woken up at 6:00am? Except being woken up by the sound of your child vomiting in their bed at 6:00am. Yes, that is right, I was woken up by Bubbie this morning. I'm not sure as to why, but I gave him some anti-nausea medication and after the poor boy dry heaved a couple of rounds, he finally settled back to bed at around 7:00am. When I put him back to bed, Bubbie asked for juice and I let him have a little. He managed to keep it down and has been fine the rest of the morning. Now he his laying down for his nap and he asked for milk, so I'm thinking(or hoping)whatever it was has passed. We were scheduled to go to a park picnic this evening, but I decided to play it safe and keep him home for today. Hopefully we can still go to the Zoo tomorrow though! I know Bubbie and Boo(and Daddy too)would hate to miss a trip to the Zoo.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
MMMMM, Doughnuts!
This morning started off great, without a hitch! We went to Krispy Kremes today with our Meetup group and had free doughnuts! Of course I forgot to take the camera because it would have been a great opportunity to take some cute pictures with their balloons and Krispy Kreme paper hats. Thats me, always forgetting the camera or whatever else isn't attached to me. Anyway, Bubbie had a great time playing with another little boy that was there, that when it came time to leave, I was certain he was going to have a fit. He complained a little, but once we arrived at Eastbourogh Park, he was happy again.
We met up with a couple of other Moms at the park and played for about an hour. Mostly Bubbie wanted to swing, so I put him and Boo next to eachother in the baby swings and alternated pushing them. They both had a lot of fun and they smiled and giggled at eachother. I thought to myself at that point, "Wow, these kids have so much love and admiration for eachother, I just can't believe it!" It makes me wonder if I ever had such a close and loving relationship with any of my siblings at that age. It was nice to see them so happy together though, it really touched my heart! It was especially nice because the last few days, I've really had to get after Bubbie for hitting Boo on the head, whenever he would get upset. Hopefully his love for her will stop that soon, LOL! After the park, we all came home and now the kids are very peacefully napping. My favorite part of the day!
Isn't it amazing how having a family of your own can change your perspectives on your Parents and Siblings, as well as any other relationships in ones life! Well now I'm getting off onto a different blog.
We met up with a couple of other Moms at the park and played for about an hour. Mostly Bubbie wanted to swing, so I put him and Boo next to eachother in the baby swings and alternated pushing them. They both had a lot of fun and they smiled and giggled at eachother. I thought to myself at that point, "Wow, these kids have so much love and admiration for eachother, I just can't believe it!" It makes me wonder if I ever had such a close and loving relationship with any of my siblings at that age. It was nice to see them so happy together though, it really touched my heart! It was especially nice because the last few days, I've really had to get after Bubbie for hitting Boo on the head, whenever he would get upset. Hopefully his love for her will stop that soon, LOL! After the park, we all came home and now the kids are very peacefully napping. My favorite part of the day!
Isn't it amazing how having a family of your own can change your perspectives on your Parents and Siblings, as well as any other relationships in ones life! Well now I'm getting off onto a different blog.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patty's Day
Boo in her shirt that says "Mommy's Lucky Charm"
Bubbie in his shirt
Photo with Daddy, they really want the cake!
Photo with Mommy and our matching St. Patty's Day shirts
Today was supposed to be a fun day, but instead was a very stressful day. It started off with my laptop not wanting to work this morning and ended with a mad rush of trying to get the kids to bed. They both were up until 10pm tonight because for whatever reason, they kept fussing. Usually bedtime around here is 8pm. Bubbie asked for three cups of water before he finally settled down for the night, I guess he was a thirsty boy.
I have forgotten to mention that Bubbie has finally learned some signs. He tells me milk and juice with signs of his hands. Technically the sign we use for juice is for drink, but it works for us. Sometimes he tries to be difficult, as to be expected from a 2 year old, and won't answer me when I ask. Then he will proceed to get upset because he ends up getting nothing until he tells me. We are currently trying to find a sign for asking for water. I think I'll have to do some web surfing to see what we can come up with.
Well I'm off to fit in a little workout before bed, though I'm sure it won't accomplish a thing. I've been working out and dieting for weeks and accomplished nothing, so I will expect nothing. Hence why there aren't many photos of Mommy on here, LOL!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Weekly Baking Project, Chocolate Chip Cookies
Stirring in the dry ingredients
Pouring in the chocolate chips
Mixing in the chocolate chips
These cookies are for you, Mommy
Can we eat them now?
Taking them to Daddy
This week we did Chocolate Chip Cookies. It was convenient since I had all the ingredients already. Bubbie did a great job helping out and when they were finished baking, we ate a plate full of warm cookies, yummmm! Nothing goes better with chocolate chip cookies, than a nice big glass of milk. That made for a great night and a nice finish to yet another busy weekend.
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