Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lion, Tigers and Bears, Oh My! More Like Tigers, Elephants and Camels.

An unusual picture of me! Usually I'm camera shy, but thanks to Jillian Michaels and Spanx, I felt confident!

It was difficult to get any pictures of Bubbie, he wouldn't sit still.

Daddy and Boo at the Peanut Prom

Bubbie and I at the Peanut Prom

Of course she was sleepy by this time! Can't you tell by the eye rubbing? I had Daddy take pictures of me, so at least once, my kids know that I was there.

Daddy and Bubbie riding the Elephant(kind of hard to see, may try clicking on it so it opens in another screen).

Daddy wearing his Clown Nose proudly

Bubbie thought Daddy needed a clown nose

Boo waiting patiently for Daddy and Bubbie to come back from the Elephant ride

Boo with her cousins at the Circus

Boo loved the caterpillar tunnel, she kept going back and forth!

Bubbie just kept running around and around, he was all sweaty when we were done.

Boo thought she was big enough to go down the slide, not quite yet!

Boo's favorite tunnel.

(Warning! This is not how I formatted it, but its not cooperating! Sorry if this post is a little confusing)Oh, where to start. We have done so much this weekend and yet it still isn't over. Lets start with Friday. We met up with the Meetup group at the Mall, they have a play area that we frequent. Especially with the weather being so unpredictable. Bubbie and Boo really wore themselves out, that they both passed out on the way to pick up Daddy from work.

Saturday we went to the Shriner's Circus with Grandmom, Aunt M., cousins A, G and LM. It was really a lot of fun! Daddy and Bubbie rode the Elephants and then Bubbie and I rode the Camels(but of course there aren't any pictures of that, because I take all the pictures). Bubbie really liked the Tigers, he kept calling them "kitty." I think it was the first time Bubbie has actually sat through a show and thoroughly enjoyed it, but Boo on the other hand.........well, lets just say it was past her nap time. I'm sure you get the idea! She was fussy, there were moments when she was distracted by the show, but she ended up passing out in Daddy's arms while Bubbie and I were riding the Camels(which was a first for both of us!).

Saturday Night, we had the Peanut Prom! It was fun to get all dressed up in "Cocktail Dress." I loved my dress that I wore that night, it was the first dress that I bought that wasn't an A-line dress. We had also volunteered to bring cupcakes and they turned out really well! Of course I didn't take any pictures of those, but believe me, Daddy did a great job of decorating them! After the Peanut Prom, I remembered that I still needed to get a Birthday gift for Sunday. So we went to Target, yes all dressed up in our duds and yes we did get some looks, LOL! Then we tried to beat the rain and get home. As you can see, Saturday was a very busy day and fun too!

Today we have a Birthday party to go to in Newton. Its a bowling party, so I think that will be a lot of fun too! I think this coming week is going to be our recovering week before my baby turns One year old in TWO WEEKS! (Again, sorry for the confusing format of this post. This site is being a pain today.)

1 comment:

  1. You looked BEAUTIFUL at the prom & the kiddos were adorable! My baby girl loved watching Boo crawl around. I think it gave her some new ideas to work on. :)
