Unless those flowers get drowned in those showers! Who knew Kansas had a monsoon season? At least that is what it has felt like around here. For the last couple of weeks, it has seemed to rain nonstop and I have to say that I am growing very TIRED and FRUSTRATED with it! Usually I can appreciate a nice rainy, stormy day and find them to be very relaxing. In fact falling asleep to the sound of thunder is one of my top favorite things, but you really can get too much of a good thing! I find myself becoming lethargic and depressed from the lack of sun and from the lack of being outdoors. Another favorite thing of mine, is to sit on the back porch while the kids play and also at night, while we star gaze. That is awful hard to do when the cushions on the furniture are soaking wet!
Also, due to all the rain, our basement keeps filling up with water and we now currently have a layer of dirt(was once mud)on the basement floor. The house is starting to smell of that lovely mold and mildew must. We keep bleaching the basement as well as putting down some vinegar, but every time it rains, we have to start over.
Yesterday and this morning must have been some kind of fluke, because it was beautiful! Yesterday was sunny and 86 degrees out! We celebrated by going to our favorite park, Eastborough Park with our Meetup Stay at Home Mom's group. It was the most perfect day for the park and it was a nice break from the lack of sunlight. Though admittedly I have to say that I've been feeling like I don't fit in with my SAHM groups. I'm not sure as to why, but I am starting to slowly lose interest in the message boards and socializing. Perhaps its just not meeting my needs, as it once did. I don't know, but I wish I could find some kind of social outlet. Though I did get a night out this week with my best friend Mrs. P and we had fun just getting coffee and walking around Target. I also used the gift card that Mrs. P gave Boo for her birthday and bought two cute little outfits for Boo.
Anyway, today started out being beautiful! It was nice to wake up to, but now its all grey again and looking like we will be getting more rain. I can't wait until the rain goes away, but then we will probably be praying for rain then, because it will be so dry. I've said it many times before and I will say it many times again, Only in Kansas!
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