I had really meant to post about this last week, but the time lately seems to escape me. Basically to sum up last week, it was busy.
Bubbie has been going to Speech Therapy every Tuesday and Thursday, since late August. Bubbie has been under the weather this last week/weekend. On Tuesday night, we had laid him down for bed and he began to fuss. When we asked him what was wrong, he said "stuck nose, Mommy." Seriously the funniest thing I've ever heard! Of course he was so serious, so I held back the laughter. It was even more funny when we went to see his Doctor and he told the Doctor that he had a stuck nose! A couple days before this, Bubbie had told me that his "belly hurt, Mommy." Its amazing how well he has began to communicate things just in the short amount of time that he has been going to Speech Therapy. Even just today I asked him if he wanted juice and his reply was, "No Mommy, I have milk." A whole sentence, I was blown away!!
This last Saturday, was Free Admission Museum Day 2009 and we enjoyed two local Museums, photos of which are in the last post. Its a national event through the Smithsonian Mag. website. This is our second year participating in it and we really enjoyed it! Daddy also had to do an EEG on Saturday and hopefully we will get results from the MRI and the EEG on October 3. Then on Sunday, we were all sick with whatever crud Charlie had. We are just passing it around to eachother! Hopefully by next weekend, we will be all well again.
Boo showing off her teeth and wild woman hair!
Bubbie showing off his new hair cut!!
I love Boo's hair! So cutie!