Friday, May 28, 2010

Weekend Trip to Grandma's and Grandpa's

Bubbie and Daddy waiting in the car, on the way home. I was taking Pookie for a potty break.

It's hard to believe that it's been a week ago already that we headed up to my Parent's house. Last Friday I had a friend graduate from JCCC and I wanted to be there to support him with his family. The kids stayed with my Mom, Daddy went to the Airport with my sister to pick up the BIL and Dad and I went to the graduation. It was quite the weekend! It started a well-intentioned weekend and ended up with Bubbie getting sick. Bubbie threw up Saturday night in my Parent's living room. Let me tell quite the experience for my Sister and BIL, as they do not have children.

I find it kind of funny because my Sister was talking about how my BIL wants to have kids, but I'm thinking this weekend may have put the kibosh on that. Bubbie was completely not himself this last weekend. He was combative and grumpy. He screamed and cried, for what seemed like the whole weekend! Of course we knew it was because he was sick, but still seemed out of the ordinary for him. Honestly, no fun to be around.

On our drive home, Bubbie cried and screamed the whole 2 and half hour drive. Yes, the WHOLE drive home. He also hadn't eaten since Friday evening. You can imagine how worried we were starting to get. Finally when we arrived back home, we decided it best to take Bubbie to the ER. After our visit, we learned that Bubbie had ear infections as well as a UTI. His first UTI and I hope his last. Poor kid. Once we got home, we put him to bed and he wasn't happy about that. So unhappy that he told me to, "Go away, I don't like you!" Hard words for a Mommy to hear. I told him fine because right now I wasn't liking him very much either! Finally I snuggled with him and got him settled into bed with three pillows so that he was half sitting, but mainly so that his ears were elevated. Important when dealing with ear infections!

Thankfully, Bubbie is on the mend now and back to his lovable goofy self. He is also thankfully eating us out of house and home. I suppose he has to make up for all the days he missed!

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