I know I've been slacking on the blog. You know the usual excuse is, not enough TIME! Honestly it does feel like I am burning the candle at both ends these days. Between Speech Therapy four times a week, driving Daddy to work 4-6 times a week and working out 5 days/week. I'm exhausted!! As I may have mentioned, Daddy has been working the second shift(SS). His 60 days are up, but they are still forcing him to stay on SS. Which is completely wrong being the Man that took his spot on First has less seniority than Daddy and also in need of training. Though as Aaron's boss has mentioned, they are trying to get rid of the "walking wounded", so I am growing suspicious of them attempting to make him quit his job. Which all really doesn't matter at this point, because once they cut their pay and benefits, they are moving all the work to Mexico and Daddy will be out of a job by the end of next year. More on that later....
Anywho, a typical evening for me goes like this. Drop Daddy off at work, clean and pick up the house, make dinner, get kids ready for bed, which includes brushing teeth, taking vitamin, putting on PJs and reading a book. Then it's off to bed and I put in two hours of workout time. My workout consists of a 30-40 min. video and 60 min. of the stationery bike. Sometimes I will push myself to do an extra 10 min. on top of my hour. Once all that is completed, it is generally around 10pm. Sometimes later if I had been interrupted during my workout, i.e. dogs need out, cat wants in, kid wakes up. Generally after my workout I have to wash off the sweat and then I like to catch up on my TV shows on DVR. On a general night I'm getting to bed somewhere between 12am-1am. What can I say, I enjoy a moment of quiet "ME" time, but it comes at the cost of losing sleep. All of this gives me great respect for a "single Mom". I don't know how they do it! Though admittedly I feel like a single Mom these days because in reality, we only get a couple of hours to spend with Daddy on any given work day. If he works overtime(OT), then it's even less. I think the only reason I haven't lost my sanity is because of my working out, LOL! Good friends help too!
Now on to the kids. They are growing and talking, talking back even! My favorite!!(Can you detect the sarcasm in that one?) The kids constantly ask, "Where's Daddy?", to which I reply that he is at work. This almost always get the response of "Oh" in a sad tone. They miss Daddy. Though on a positive note, Daddy has been able to attend Speech Therapy and that does make Bubbie happy. Which brings me onto Bubbies speech. His speech has grown by leaps and bounds. Bubbie has even begun to speak in full sentence form now. Oh! And did I mention he knows all his colors?! We have started doing some Homeschooling and are we are beginning to learn ABC's and identifying shapes. Bubbie knows his shapes too! His counting has also come a long ways. Before long he will be ready for Kindergarten!
Boo is also speaking in full sentence form, to which I find myself saying "Is this really possible?" Boo likes to repeat everything she hears and I mean everything! Just last week we were in the car and drove by a Fire Station, Boo says, "There's a Fire Truck Daddy, did you see it?" We were blown away with that and began laughing hysterically! Reason is, we drive by this Fire Station at least twice a week and every time I say, "Look, Fire Truck, did you see it?" The one time I didn't, Boo does! Then today Bubbie was on the potty and Boo thought that he did a "Great job!" She repeated it several times! Also yesterday, we had just came home and Boo had one of her baby dolls, which she plays with constantly, in her room. I came into the hallway just as she was coming out of her room and she turned to me as she was closing the door and said, "Shhh, the baby is sleeping." It was all I could do not to crack up laughing!! It was so cute too!! I didn't know imaginative play would start so soon. I was thinking that this generally started around 3.5yrs and Boo is not even three yet! She amazes me everyday! Honestly, both of my kids do! You just never know from one day to the next what they will come out with. It does keep life exciting though!
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