Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snow, Snow, Go Away!

What I've learned in the last two weeks with snow......

1) I'm not cut out for super cold temps
2) I love snow, but not all the frustrations that it brings
3) I would not make it in the Northern parts of the US, Chicago or New York.
4) I need to live somewhere where there are no extreme temps.  Mild all the way!
5) It feels like twice the work to leave the house with 3 coats and 3 pairs of snow boots.
6) Car seats suck when it comes to Winter Coats.
7) Can't wait for Spring!!

Thankfully we didn't end up with as much snow as some of the surrounding towns, but it still hasn't been easy to get out and around.  My poor little dog, Pookie, is beside herself when she has to go out to potty in the snow and has resorted to pottying on the little rug in the Kitchen, ugh!  Also thankful that the rug conveniently washes in the Washer ;)  The kids seems to be getting through all of the Winter weather, but not without crankiness and whining.  I find it amazing how cold weather can make one feel so lethargic!  All we want to do is SLEEP!  Just have to survive 6 more weeks of Winter and then Spring will be on the way, so the Groundhog says.  Let's hope he is right, because I am tired of the snow.

Honestly, in all the years of living in KS, I can't remember a time that we have had so many snow days.  Overall, it isn't much with each snow storm, but collectively, it's a lot!  The cold temperatures have been the worst!  The cold temps have been making my poor car act all crazy.  I start it up and all the dash lights will come on, the car just doesn't know what is wrong or not wrong.  Tuesday, I questioned our needing to be out because I drove half way across town and the car never warmed up.  The water was freezing to my window on contact and the defrost could not keep up.  It was miserable!  Never was I more happy to arrive home, safely.  Here are some pics from Wednesday, after the snow had finally finished.

Even the dogs couldn't wait to come inside!  LOL!  Despite how nice the sun makes it look out, trust me, it was FREEZING!

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