Monday, April 11, 2011

Consumed Creativity

When I have one of my creative brainstorms, it can be all consuming.  Every thought of my waking moments are spent putting it all together in my mind before I do any actual putting together.  This last week/weekend was spent thinking about and visualizing some fresh ideas that I had stumbled upon from seeing all the little girl's hair do's of our SAHM's group.  Thanks to Hobby Lobby and Michael's, there has been an endless amount of creativity storming my brain!  Despite my bout of Spring Cleaning that also consumed my weekend, during such time, I was still in my mind thinking about all the things I could do.  Here are a few results of my creative brainstorm.............

These are my absolute favorite so far!!  They can be worn by themselves or.............

On a headband!!  These headbands can be found at Hobby Lobby in a variety of colors and the best part, they are two for .99 cents!  I love that you can attach any clippie to them, so you are not limited, as you will see in the following photos.

 Also, with Easter soon approaching, I had to make something fabulous for BLL to match her dress, of course.  These turned out so adorable, if I do say so myself.

And now, for us ladies who also like to have pretty things in our hair, a couple of pretties!  These also look nice alone or on a headband.  I absolutely LOVE these and will find any reason to wear them!  

My daughter has also expressed interest in wearing these, but then again left up to her, she would wear all of them at the same time!  Let me tell, that is quite a funny site!!


  1. So CUTE! I love, love, love that white crochet one!

  2. It does appear to be white, but it's supposed to be grey. My camera must have washed it out a bit. Would you believe that these flowers are actually from scrap booking supplies? So easy to make! :)
