Monday, June 7, 2010

Passionate for Peach Tea

My love of Snapple Peach or Raspberry Tea is no secret in this house, so it should be no surprise that my kids also have developed a love of Snapple. They ask for tea all the time and I'm faced with the decision of letting them have it or not. Why, you ask would I feel so guilty about giving my kids tea? I'm not really sure why I do, perhaps it all just goes back to the Mom Guilt. You know, the very same guilt that makes me question every decision I make.

I know that half a bottle of tea once a day is nothing much to worry about, but I feel like they could be getting so much more nutrition without it. Though when they look at me with those eyes and say "Tea?" How can I say no? It amazes me that even Boo asks for it so clearly! Since when did I start having conversations with two year olds? She blows my mind on how well she talks! I feel awful because before now, I've never really made mention of her speech. I'm always so focused on Bubbie's speech and worried about how he is coming along. Boo is quite the opposite of her brother. She is very expressive and picks up new words everyday! More on that in a minute, for now some Snapple pictures for admiring.....

He would make such a good model for Snapple advertising, LOL!!

Boo loves her's so much, she hugs it! By the way, you won't get that bottle out of her hands. Boo has a death grip like no other!!

Back to Boo's speech, tonight I was sitting on the sofa with her and she was pointing to my face saying the names of the things she was pointing to. She said nose, mouth, eye, chin and ear. I didn't know that she knew the names! When we are waiting in the car she always asks over and over, "Where's Daddy?" and "Where's Charlie?" She also loves to call the puppy, she will call out "Pookie, Pookie, bookie" and make kissy sounds, which I think is just the most adorable thing EVER!! Everyday she picks up new words and it's so incredible the amount of expression she puts into them! I suppose the experts are right when they say that girls develop socially, earlier than boys.

Bubbie lately has become my copycat. He will literally repeat every single word that I say throughout the day. And let me tell you, it drives me absolutely NUTS!! It was cute for like, oh five minutes and now I'm over it. Perhaps I should be happy that he is speaking, though it's still only when he wants to. I always say, it's a good thing they are cute!

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