Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Photos for Sharing

I have recently come across some photos that haven't previously been shared and decided that they are too cute to pass up! So here we go, random photos for your admiration!

Boo loves to dance, she will take any opportunity to do so with or without music. This time it was too cute with the way she was dancing with putting the basket on her head and taking it off.

Bubbie and Boo both love to put on Mommy's shoes and walk around! Believe, I just love when they do this(detect a little sarcasm)! Don't get me wrong, it is cute, but I'm not a fan of scuffed up shoes or a fan of tripping on them because when the kids are done playing with them, they get left in the middle of the floor.

Boo caught red handed, dumping out the tortilla chips. That was fun to clean up!

Bubbie trying on one of Daddy's shirts! Too cute!!

Boo playing in her room all by herself, like a big girl!!

I took pictures of the kids eating lunch because they looked so stinkin' cute sitting at the table playing with each other!

Bubbie told me his sandwich was an Air Plane, have to love that imagination!!

Please excuse the Budweiser coasters, they were free! In this house, we like free!!

Hope everyone enjoyed these photos!! For your admiration only!!

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