Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Toys, Toys, Everywhere I Look, There Are Toys!

It's no secret, like many Parents with toddlers, our house has been taken over by the TOYS!  Everywhere I walk, I step, trip or stub a toe on one.  I've bought more bins and shelves than I can count on one hand.  Honestly it is truly absurd the amount of toys, but despite my thinning them out, there still remains to be an enormous amount of toys.  They are taking over I tell you!!  Any who, onto my point.  Thank you to Uncle Sam and a certain Sister, we finally bought some shelves for the kid's rooms with fancy bins and stuff.  Here are a few photos of LBF and BLL room makeovers!

The new shelves....

And now the difference it has made in their rooms!

 AMAZING, you can actually see the floors of their rooms now!!  What a difference!  In BLL 's room, she has so many big toys that take up a lot of space.  Its because of these that I've requested in the next house to have a playroom.  Someday, I can dream.

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