Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Photos for Sharing

I have recently come across some photos that haven't previously been shared and decided that they are too cute to pass up! So here we go, random photos for your admiration!

Boo loves to dance, she will take any opportunity to do so with or without music. This time it was too cute with the way she was dancing with putting the basket on her head and taking it off.

Bubbie and Boo both love to put on Mommy's shoes and walk around! Believe, I just love when they do this(detect a little sarcasm)! Don't get me wrong, it is cute, but I'm not a fan of scuffed up shoes or a fan of tripping on them because when the kids are done playing with them, they get left in the middle of the floor.

Boo caught red handed, dumping out the tortilla chips. That was fun to clean up!

Bubbie trying on one of Daddy's shirts! Too cute!!

Boo playing in her room all by herself, like a big girl!!

I took pictures of the kids eating lunch because they looked so stinkin' cute sitting at the table playing with each other!

Bubbie told me his sandwich was an Air Plane, have to love that imagination!!

Please excuse the Budweiser coasters, they were free! In this house, we like free!!

Hope everyone enjoyed these photos!! For your admiration only!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

New Table, New Space

Last week I was looking on Craigslist for some shelves. While looking for shelves, I stumbled upon this listing for a Mission Style Dining Table w/4 Chairs and Bench Seat. I thought, "Ooh, I love mission style furniture!!" So I clicked on it and fell in love! It's funny how things work out, isn't it! It was like fate took over and guided me to the dream table that I have been searching for, for the last 4, almost 5, years that we have lived in our house. The best part, it's counter height and has a bench seat! I also love the storage underneath and the leaf that is tucked under the table!! Honestly the best find EVER on Craigslist!!

Beautiful isn't it?! It really makes the space!

You can see how the kids have claimed the bench seat as theirs! ;)

Bench seat without the boosters.

The storage underneath, I love this feature!! I have a place to keep my Scrabble game now! :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Father's Day

I know, I know, this post is about a week late, but I do the best I can! Hehehe!! Nonetheless, here are the photos of Daddy's big day! Sorry for the photos, yet another camera of ours has managed to walk off. Very disappointing. Anywho, we only had our phone camera available, so the picture quality is much to be desired.

This Father's Day, we also spent at home. Starting to notice a pattern with us? LOL! We like being home these days, makes these events easier. Back to Father's Day, I gave each kid $10 to buy Daddy a shirt for his special day. They were so excited to pick out the shirts and were very decided on which ones they thought Daddy should have. When we got in the car to head home, I told Bubbie and Boo that this was a "secret" and not to tell Daddy. This made them both smile! When Father's Day rolled around, the gifts were sitting on Daddy's desk and Bubbie couldn't wait to hand them over! I think the kids were more excited about Daddy opening his gifts than Daddy was!

Opening his first gift, from Bubbie.

Opening his second gift, from Boo.

Bubbie thought Daddy was taking too long to open the gift, so he thought he would help out.

After enjoying our morning with Daddy, we went over to Aunt MM's house to meetup with Granddad and family. Bubbie and Boo enjoyed seeing Granddad and they also enjoyed playing with their cousins. Aunt MM really enjoyed the kids running around her house or maybe not so much, hehehe! So there you have it, we enjoyed our Father's Day activities! Hope all the Dads out there had a Happy Father's Day too!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Week Full of Firsts

A little more than a week ago, Bubbie, Daddy and Granddad did a little fishing trip at Uncle G and Aunt M's house. Bubbie's "best friend", his cousin G also joined them. This was Bubbie's first time fishing and he wasn't too sure about the fish, but I would say overall he had a great time! For days he talked about going fishing with Granddad and G.

A little inside information on Bubbie is that when we go to Lowe's, when we go to the light to turn left out of the parking lot, Bubbie always wants us to go right to go to his cousin G's house. When you ask about his cousin G, he always replies "G is my best friend!" That always brings a smile to my face because when I was a kid, my best friend was my cousin too! I'm so happy that my kids have the same opportunity with their cousins. After all, family is forever. Love them or dislike them.

Another first this last week was when Boo burned the palm of her right hand on the stove. I can't even count the number of times I've asked her not to touch the stove and repeatedly told her that it will burn and cause a big "owie". I suppose you could say that now she knows. It all happened while I was making "mac 'n cheese" for lunch. I just turned off the burner and was mixing in the cheese when I look over to where Boo was, just in time to see her hand touch the burner. I immediately grabbed her and put her hand under cold water for a couple of minutes. After which I put some ice in a plastic baggie and wrapped it in a cloth. While I was holding her hand with the ice on it, she fell asleep. How funny is it that her shirt says "sleepy"? Love it!! Thankfully her hand had only mild swelling and a day later, I can't even see it! I say she was lucky and has healed very quickly!

For a long while now, I've put Boo's hair in pigtails. No matter how little hair she has had, I've found ways to put those pigtails in! Today I wasn't feeling pigtails, so I decided to french braid her hair for, you guessed it, the first time! I must say, not bad for our first attempt. When we went to Babies R Us briefly today, Boo received a lot of compliments. I also received compliments for my patience to do her hair. If only people knew how little patience I had, but somehow today, I managed to muster up some patience. Hopefully for the sake of cuteness, I can continue to find patience! Though I was surprised how well Boo sat for getting her hair done also, that is a big part of my accomplishment or should I say our accomplishment!

I'll end with saying that as challenging as my kids can be, it's always worth the rewards that we get out of the little moments like these! It also helps that they are darn cute!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No Way!!

"No way" has become the new answer that I get from Bubbie and Boo when I ask them to do things they don't want to do. Part of me wants to laugh to the response and the other part of me thinks they are talking back. Umm, how to respond? Though there are times that it's more funny than anything. I find myself wondering where they picked it up at? TV? Another kid? Who knows, but it's funny! It's not always "no way" though, sometimes it can be "yes way"! I would be lying if I said that I didn't prefer the "yes way".

Boo also has become VERY CLINGY lately. It's endearing, but at the same time it can be annoying. Only Mom will do apparently, but sometimes Mommy's arms get tired and she needs to hand Boo off to Daddy. Boo gets very upset with me when I do. If I sit down for a few at home, it's a guarantee that Boo will be climbing into my lap. If I'm on the laptop, she will place herself between the laptop and myself. Poor Pookie, if she is in my lap, Boo will come over and shove her off. Boo also will do the same thing to her Brother if he is in my lap. I'm really hoping this is a stage. I can recall a time that Bubbie was clingy with me also, but never quite to the extent of Boo. And Boo is so JEALOUS of anything that is getting my attention over her. Oh the stories I can tell when she is older and wants nothing to do with me, hehe!!

P.S. As I'm typing this, Boo is trying to push me off of the Laptop and draping herself on me.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Passionate for Peach Tea

My love of Snapple Peach or Raspberry Tea is no secret in this house, so it should be no surprise that my kids also have developed a love of Snapple. They ask for tea all the time and I'm faced with the decision of letting them have it or not. Why, you ask would I feel so guilty about giving my kids tea? I'm not really sure why I do, perhaps it all just goes back to the Mom Guilt. You know, the very same guilt that makes me question every decision I make.

I know that half a bottle of tea once a day is nothing much to worry about, but I feel like they could be getting so much more nutrition without it. Though when they look at me with those eyes and say "Tea?" How can I say no? It amazes me that even Boo asks for it so clearly! Since when did I start having conversations with two year olds? She blows my mind on how well she talks! I feel awful because before now, I've never really made mention of her speech. I'm always so focused on Bubbie's speech and worried about how he is coming along. Boo is quite the opposite of her brother. She is very expressive and picks up new words everyday! More on that in a minute, for now some Snapple pictures for admiring.....

He would make such a good model for Snapple advertising, LOL!!

Boo loves her's so much, she hugs it! By the way, you won't get that bottle out of her hands. Boo has a death grip like no other!!

Back to Boo's speech, tonight I was sitting on the sofa with her and she was pointing to my face saying the names of the things she was pointing to. She said nose, mouth, eye, chin and ear. I didn't know that she knew the names! When we are waiting in the car she always asks over and over, "Where's Daddy?" and "Where's Charlie?" She also loves to call the puppy, she will call out "Pookie, Pookie, bookie" and make kissy sounds, which I think is just the most adorable thing EVER!! Everyday she picks up new words and it's so incredible the amount of expression she puts into them! I suppose the experts are right when they say that girls develop socially, earlier than boys.

Bubbie lately has become my copycat. He will literally repeat every single word that I say throughout the day. And let me tell you, it drives me absolutely NUTS!! It was cute for like, oh five minutes and now I'm over it. Perhaps I should be happy that he is speaking, though it's still only when he wants to. I always say, it's a good thing they are cute!