Thursday, December 31, 2009

Holiday Tidbits

On Monday, Bubbie received a package in the mail from his Great Uncle C and his second Cousin H. He was so excited when I told him the package was for him, he said to me "Package for Bubbie!" Bubbie just thought it was the greatest thing getting a package in the mail.

This shirt, I believe, was his favorite. When he pulled it out he said, "Boat!!" It was so cute! Bubbie LOVES clothes and is very opininated about them, so when he says he LIKES them, you can be rest assured that he does.

Daddy has had this week off, from Christmas Eve through New Year's. Since he has this time off from work, he has been working on our floors in the Kitchen and front Hallway. Bubbie has reached an age where he likes to help and because of this, Daddy decided to let him help with putting tape on each tile so he could mark them. Bubbie just thought this was the greatest thing ever!! We decided to take some photos of Bubbie being his helpful self.

Keep your fingers crossed, hopefully soon we will have a fully functional kitchen again!! That would certainly be a great way to ring in the New Year!! Happy New Year's Eve everybody, enjoy celebrating the end of 2009!


  1. Glad to see the kids liked their gifts! Looks like you had a nice holiday and New Year's!

  2. We had a great Christmas! Thank you so much for the kid's gifts, they really have enjoyed the new clothes!
