Sunday, June 27, 2010

Father's Day

I know, I know, this post is about a week late, but I do the best I can! Hehehe!! Nonetheless, here are the photos of Daddy's big day! Sorry for the photos, yet another camera of ours has managed to walk off. Very disappointing. Anywho, we only had our phone camera available, so the picture quality is much to be desired.

This Father's Day, we also spent at home. Starting to notice a pattern with us? LOL! We like being home these days, makes these events easier. Back to Father's Day, I gave each kid $10 to buy Daddy a shirt for his special day. They were so excited to pick out the shirts and were very decided on which ones they thought Daddy should have. When we got in the car to head home, I told Bubbie and Boo that this was a "secret" and not to tell Daddy. This made them both smile! When Father's Day rolled around, the gifts were sitting on Daddy's desk and Bubbie couldn't wait to hand them over! I think the kids were more excited about Daddy opening his gifts than Daddy was!

Opening his first gift, from Bubbie.

Opening his second gift, from Boo.

Bubbie thought Daddy was taking too long to open the gift, so he thought he would help out.

After enjoying our morning with Daddy, we went over to Aunt MM's house to meetup with Granddad and family. Bubbie and Boo enjoyed seeing Granddad and they also enjoyed playing with their cousins. Aunt MM really enjoyed the kids running around her house or maybe not so much, hehehe! So there you have it, we enjoyed our Father's Day activities! Hope all the Dads out there had a Happy Father's Day too!!

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